VANSETTER VODKA Cocktail Competition (Victoria Edition)

 – Embracing Western Victoria, Wanderlust, and Richness –


- Celebrate the spirit of adventure and the rich heritage of Western Victoria through the creation of innovative VANSETTER VODKA cocktails.

Brand Pillars Integration:

Western Victoria: Cocktails inspired by the region’s natural beauty, fresh produce and cultural heritage.

Wanderlust: Encourage creativity that captures the essence of exploration and adventure.

Richness: Highlight the premium quality and luxurious taste profile of VANSETTER VODKA.

Eligibility Criteria:

Professional Bartenders Only: Ensuring expert craftsmanship and knowledge.

Venue Collaboration: A minimum 4-week feature of the VANSETTER VODKA cocktail on the venue’s menu, showcasing the brand's commitment to quality and community engagement.

- Cocktail Specifications: A base of at least 30ml VANSETTER VODKA, no more than 9 ingredients to promote simplicity and elegance, and a strict adherence to the exclusive use of VANSETTER VODKA.

Entry Process:

Submission Kit: Recipe, cocktail photo, and menu listing evidence, underlining the importance of presentation and adherence to the brand’s premium standards.

Incentives: Special 6% discount on VANSETTER VODKA case purchases, alongside branded merchandise.

- Venue to purchase 3 x units of VANSETTER VODKA.

- 20th May 2024: Specific cut-off date to ensure timely participation and engagement.

Selection Process:

Preliminary Evaluation: Judged on creativity, visual appeal, and alignment with the brand’s three key pillars of Western Victoria, wanderlust and richness. 

- Cocktails will be judged in the venue by the ITINERANT SPIRITS team from 20th May 2024 - 26th May 2024.

- Venues must advise via email once the cocktail has been added to the menu and ready to be judged by the ITINERANT SPIRITS team at

Cocktail Criteria & Scoring:

Taste: Balance of flavours, use of VANSETTER - 30 POINTS

Local originality: Recipe creativity, ingredient usage that best represents brand pillars, and original cocktail name - 40 POINTS 

Presentation: Visual appeal and garnishing - 30 POINTS


- Top 8 Finalists: Those chosen as finalists in the competition will be notified of the selection in advance by 26th May 2024 so as to best prepare for the final showdown. 

Venue: ITINERANT SPIRITS distillery in Ballarat, a location embodying the brand’s commitment to quality and community engagement. 

Date: Monday 17th June 2024, marking a significant event in the brand’s events calendar.

- Logistics: Comprehensive travel and accommodation arrangements for finalists, showcasing the brand’s commitment to accessibility and participant experience.

Competition: A live showcase of bartending skills and creative flair, with finalists bringing their unique interpretations of VANSETTER VODKA to life.


Generous Rewards: Emphasising the brand’s focus on excellence with substantial prizes and rewards for the winner.

Rich Experiences: Prizes that offer deep immersion into the brand’s world, including distillery tours and exclusive dinners, enhancing the winner’s connection with VANSETTER VODKA.

1st Prize: $3,000 includes $2,000 cash + travel & accommodation package to our distillery in Western Victoria.

2nd Prize: $800 includes $500 cash + Vansetter Vodka Merch Pack + travel & accommodation

3rd Prize: $450 includes $250 cash + Vansetter Vodka Merch Pack + travel & accommodation

Judging Criteria:

- Focused on evaluating the embodiment of the brand’s core values in taste, originality, technique, and presentation. A special emphasis is placed on how well the cocktails represent Western Victoria, invoke a sense of adventure, and exude an air of luxury.

· Taste: Balance of flavours, use of VANSETTER VODKA - 30 POINTS

· Local originality: Recipe creativity, ingredient usage that best represents brand pillars, and original cocktail name -  - 30 POINTS

· Technique: Skill and precision in cocktail preparation - 20 POINTS

· Presentation: Visual appeal and garnishing as well as on-stage execution - 20 POINTS

Additional Provisions:

Brand Promotion Agreement: Finalists agree to participate in promotional activities, ensuring the brand’s visibility and engagement.

Recipe Rights: ITINERANT SPIRITS secures the winner’s recipe and creative output for future marketing, emphasising the competition’s role in brand development.

Compliance and Verification: Strict adherence to legal standards and proof of engagement, safeguarding the brand’s integrity and commitment to responsible service.

This competition is designed to foster engagement, celebrate creativity, and showcase the unique values of VANSETTER VODKA. Adjustments may be tailored to meet the evolving needs of participants and the brand.